Thursday 17 January 2013

Charmaine Sheh leaves "home country" to earn more money

Charmaine Sheh who has just received the award of the Most Outstanding Performance Actress denied the rumours that she was not dissatisfied with Sheren Tang being crowned the TV Queen hence not renewing her contract with TVB. She also revealed that regarding the renewal of her contract, it is still in the progress of discussion. She also said that she has requested for a pay rise, but she also frankly said that she has thought of leaving her "home country" and develop her career elsewhere.

While attending an event yesterday, Charmaine expressed that she really wanted to personally go and receive the award, she said: "It's a pity that I couldn't go, I feel this award is a very big encouragement." (Consolation award?) "No, my award was outstanding performance actress." (Do you want to receive the award together with Most Outstanding Performance Actor, Moses Chan?) "I don't know who received that award." (Have a private celebration with him?) "I wouldn't have a chance to celebrate for a long time, I have to return to film series until the end of the month, and then I have to film Forensic Heroes 3." (There are rumours saying that Kevin Cheng and Frankie Lam aren't qualified enough hence being kicked out?) "How can it be? Everyone is TVB is a star, saying this way isn't fair to the artistes." (Are you pressured?) "Everytime I accept a series I will have pressure, I have to communicate with the producer, afraid that people would get bored of watching it."

Charmaine denied that she wasn't continuing her contract her TVB because of Sheren Tang being crowned as TV Queen, "Why would I be dissatisfied? There is definitely someone who gets an award and another who doesn't in an awards presentation, it's not that I didn't get an award." (A consolation award?) "How do you consider it a consolation award? Don't tell me there should only be one award, I don't know where did the rumours come from, I'm still TVB's artist, I still have one to two years contract, the next contract is in discussion." (What requirements do you have?) "Increase in pay." (What about the award?) "I didn't know that this could be done, I feel the production quality is needed." (What about your own benefit?) "When the series have good ratings then I will be benefited." (Develop career elsewhere?) "I did think of this, the Mainland's market is very wide, they need Hong Kong artists, income is about the same, there are more series in Mainland, but after including cutting ribbons and advertisements then they're almost about the same, so it's still based on production quality.

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